A Complete Guide to First-Year Puppy Vaccinations

Puppy Vaccinations

Vaccinations play a significant role in maintaining your dog’s health. We know your puppy is the dearest to you, and you would never want to see it suffer from any health complications. That’s why puppy vaccinations are important. The first year of vaccinations is vital because they help your puppy fight against many dangerous diseases making its immunity strong. Vaccinations lay the foundation for your dog’s health, so you should never avoid them. Vaccinations are as crucial for your dog as they are for your kids.

This post will teach a few essential things about your puppy’s first-year vaccinations. So, let’s not wait any longer and dive right into it.

What are puppy vaccines, and why are they important?

Vaccines improve the immunity of dogs, keeping them away from many dangerous diseases. These vaccines contain antigens that mimic disease-causing germs. However, they do not cause the actual disease. They basically prepare your dog’s immune system for any attack from the microbes so that when an actual disease-causing microbe enters your dog’s body, its immune system already knows how to fight against it. They trigger the dog’s immunity and make it strong. Your dog’s immunity builds in the first year, so it is important to pay attention to it.

Some essential puppy vaccinations

Many dog vaccinations are important for your dog in its first year. But there are some that you simply cannot ignore because they help your dog fight against some hazardous diseases that can even be fatal to the pet. Here are some good examples.

  • Canine Parvovirus
  • Canine Distemper
  • Hepatitis
  • Rabies
  • Leptospirosis

You must find a trusted vet in Vancouver to get these vaccine shots for your puppy. These vaccines are critical and help your dog live a healthy and long life. 

In many countries, pet laws demand pet owners get their puppies’ core dog vaccine shots.

Are There Any Optional Puppy Vaccines?

Although vaccinations are extremely important for your dog, and you should not skip any of them in the first year, some vaccinations are optional. These vaccinations depend upon a few factors such as:

  • Age
  • Medical history
  • Environment
  • Travel habits
  • Lifestyle

A reliable vet in Vancouver will ensure to go through the history of the puppy and its lifestyle before considering some vaccination shots. Your Vet will have a discussion with you regarding the optional vaccines.

When To Start Puppy Vaccinations?

You will get an ideal answer only from an educated and experienced vet. You should consult a vet the same day you get a puppy. Every dog breed has its own vaccine schedule, so you must get in touch with a vet.

Side effects of vaccines

Thankfully, there are no significant or severe side effects of vaccines. Just like human vaccines, dog vaccines might also have some mild side effects that can be ignored. However, you must contact a vet if you suspect any major side effects such as facial swelling or vomiting. Here are some common side effects of dog vaccines.

  • Fever
  • Sluggishness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Facial or paw swelling and/or hives
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Pain or swelling around the injection site
  • Collapse, difficulty breathing, and seizures

You MUST monitor your dog’s reaction and health to ensure it is not facing any severe or significant side effects.

Getting the vaccines

Since your puppy is your best friend, you need to offer nothing but the best to it. That’s why getting in touch with a trusted and reliable vet is vital. The animal expert that is highly experienced and well versed is the one you must choose. It is not easy to find the best Vet because there are so many of them. Yes, it might take some online research, but it will lead you to the best outcome.

You must consider some factors while searching for the best Vet, and here are some of them. 

  • Choosing a well-reputed vet with a good reputation in the market is essential. If you find anything funny about the Vet, you can switch to the next one.
  • You need to make sure that the Vet is highly educated and experienced. In addition, you must also ensure that the Vet has a license to offer the medical service.
  • The Vet should offer affordable prices. Getting dog vaccinations is not cheap. So, dealing with an affordable vet can help you save some money.

First-year vaccinations are vital for the health of your puppy. You must get in touch with a trusted and reliable animal hospital in North Vancouver who can help your dog get all the required vaccinations. Alta Vista would be an ideal choice for you because it is one of the most well-reputed animal hospitals offering nothing but the best pet care. You can visit Alta Vista’s website to learn more about it. 

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